Our Foam Kits

Complete Foam & Accessories Kit for two front seats (pair).

With  MGB production finishing over 30 years ago, most perishable rubbers and seals would have been replaced if not once but several times over. Yet one set of perishables is all to often over looked on the MGB and over time causes more discomfort than any other...  the seats.

Poor driving position, leaning to one side and crumbling foam on the carpet are all signs of a perished and collapsed seat leading to low, uncomfortable seating and shorter, painful journeys.

Don't let collapsed seats put you off using your MGB any longer. Our kits have been put together to make refurbishing the MGB seats simple and easy to do.
Designed to included all the parts required, it gives you the ability to refurbish your own seats back to new.

Each Kit Contains:

2 X Seat Base Foam Units
2 X Seat Squab Foam Units
1 X Rear Seat Foam Unit (GT)
2 X Rubber Seat Supports
2 X Card Liners
2 X SWA001A  Calico Liners
1 X GAC9908X 500ml Adhesive spray can
And all trim upholstery fixing clips required for two front seats.